Klausimai – atsakymai

Questions - Answers

Kaip laikyti ir pjaustyti tortus?

Rekomenduojame peržiūrėti LAROCHÉ paruoštas atmintines dėl konditerijos transportavimo, laikymo sąlygų ir pjaustymo. Atidaryti/parsisiųsti pdf atmintinę:



How far in advance do I need to order the cake and other desserts?

We recommend that you contact us as early as possible to reserve a date for dessert production and, if necessary, delivery. We don't have a single answer on timing, as our availability depends on seasonality. If you have a big event (wedding, anniversary or corporate event), please book a date when you already know the date of the celebration and we will discuss all the details later. For small bookings, a week or a few days is enough. Please always get in touch - we will inform you of availability and availability for your preferred date.

Kaip skaičiuojama užsakymo kaina?

Jūsų užsakymo kainą skaičiuojame dviemis etapais: pirma paskaičiuojame preliminarią bendrą užsakymo kainą ir suderiname su Jumis, vėliau ją patiksliname ir paskaičiuojame galutinę kainą. Kainos imamos iš tuo metu galiojančių Laroche meniu kainų.
Tikslią užsakymo sumą tiksliname iš karto po gamybos. Torto kainą nustatome po gamybos, kadangi kiekvienas tortas yra individualus ir su skirtingu dizainu, svoris šiek tiek skiriasi Jūsų užsakytam. Galutinės produkcijos kainos gali kisti - mažėti arba didėti (priklausomai nuo to meto gamybos žaliavų kainų). Kainų pirminio užsakymo metu nefiksuojame.

What size cake to order?

Rekomendacinis torto kiekis vienam žmogui yra 150 - 200 g. Pavyzdžiui jeigu šventėje dalyvaus 30 žmonių, rekomenduojame užsakyti 4,5 - 6 kg tortą. 

Plan to order 150 g per person during the summer heat, as it is common to eat slightly less. If you are planning to eat the cake the following day, or if you anticipate a large number of gourmets at the party, we recommend ordering a slightly larger quantity.

Ar galite padaryti mano norimo dizaino tortą?

Taip, tortų papuošimą dažniausiai darome pagal Jūsų pageidavimus ir pavyzdžius. Tortų dekoracijas kuriame iš šokolado, ryžių popieriaus, cukraus masės ir kitų medžiagų. Galime sukonstruoti norimą kompoziciją. Kiekvienas atvejis yra vertinamas individualiai.
Papuošimo sudėtingumas tiesiogiai įtakoja kainą - skaičiuojame laiką skiriamą dekoracijų gamybai ir jų uždėjimui. Taip pat vertinamos žaliavų sąnaudos. Trumpai sakant - kuo sudėtingesnis dizainas, tuo daugiau laiko ir medžiagų reikia norint jį sukurti. Dizaino sudėtingumas tiesiogiai įtakoja kainą - kuo sudėtingesnis dizainas, tuo brangiau kainuoja tortas. 
Tortų kainos matomos Laroche meniu yra be papuošimo kūrimo ir gamybos. 
Preliminarią torto kainą pagal pasirinktą skonį ir svorį + Jūsų pageidaujamą dizainą paskaičiuojame iš anksto. Kaina tikslinimama pagaminus tortą ir gali didėti. Tai aktualu sudėtingo dizaino ir dideliems tortams, kadangi dažnu atveju dizaino įgyvendinimas pareikalauja kur kas daugiau laiko nei tikėtasi.
Tortai su muliažais (netikrais aukštais iš putplasčio viduje) yra puošiami kaip visas tikras tortas - šio tipo tortų puošimo kaina kainuoja tiek pat kaip tikro torto. 

If I don't have a cake sample and can't make up my mind, what to do?

We will provide professional advice. We'll help you decide on a cake design based on the type of celebration, the setting and your guests. In this case, we create according to the client's wishes. It happens that customers trust us and keep the dessert design as a surprise for themselves. 

Can you create a cake-sculpture?

Yes, we can. It would be an interesting challenge and entertainment for us. However, we have to stress that a cake sculpture is made over several days and requires a lot of careful work, dedication and advance preparation. The price of such a cake cannot be the same as a normal cake.

Can you make a copy of the exact cake?

We are often asked to make a 1:1 replica of the cake as in the "pinteterst" photo. We do not make copies. We can make a cake in this style, similar to this one. The same with colours - it is not always possible to reproduce an identical colour, as the colour you see on the screen and the colour in reality are often different. The raw materials and inks used, and the interaction between them, have a big influence.

Can you decorate the cake with sugar paste?

Yes, we work with sugar paste. We can cover the surface of the cake, make specific decorations, create realistic figurines. We can create marble and similar effects. Sugar decorations are charged in addition to the price per kilogram of cake. Statuettes are valued according to production time. 

Do you decorate with flowers?

Yes, we decorate with the flowers you want. But note the seasonality of flower types - not all flowers are always available. Flowers come from all over the world. The selection of flower species needs to be discussed in advance. If the flowers you want are not available, we will look for alternatives. Flowers are prepared for contact before being placed on the product. The flowers are not edible and must be completely removed before the cake is consumed. 

Can we use our own decorations and flowers?

Yes, you can deliver your own decorations and flowers to us one or two days before the event. However, please note that the decorations must be suitable for food contact and safe. In any case, this must be agreed in advance. We strongly advise against decorating with flowers on your own or giving this task to decorators. There is a high risk of damaging our products and your own mood. 

What allergens does the products contain?

Database for a list of allergens, click here. This is a general list. For specific allergens, please contact.

Is it possible to order a special recipe dessert without allergens?

In some cases, certain ingredients can be substituted or removed. We have products for people with gluten intolerance, etc. Please contact us to discuss individually.

Can we buy a cake on arrival to a shop?

All LAROCHE cakes are made to order. We offer cakes in the window on major holidays. Also at weekends and sometimes on weekdays. We usually have cakes weighing between 1.2 and 1.5 kg. Before coming to buy a cake, please contact us in advance..

Do you make cakes for corporate events and bussiness cakes?

We produce cakes for companies with a logo and corporate identity. Cakes range from a small team get-together to an extra-large grand celebration. In many cases, we make several large cakes - for convenience. Cakes are usually rectangular, but other shapes are possible. You can see examples in the business section B2B. Cakes are often accompanied by additional desserts such as macarons, sweets, pastries, etc. These can also be personalised with logos and colours.

Delivery to a party possible? How much does it cost?

Laroche products are delivered to your venue in a special refrigerated transport. We are located in Kaunas, with a delivery radius of ~200 km. The delivery service is booked in advance as we plan the routes. Delivery times in hours are not selectable, as usually all customers prefer to receive at the same time. We try to arrange the delivery schedule according to geographical logic and to ensure that all customers receive by the right time.

The delivery price is based on kilometres. The cost per kilometre is EUR 0.83 + VAT (return journey is not calculated). For example: delivery to Vilnius Town Hall Square - 107 km = 107 Eur incl. VAT. Delivery in Kaunas city 10 Eur (Kaunas district is calculated by kilometres).

We provide a professional and safe service. With our delivery service, you don't run the risk of your party desserts being damaged, melted, spoiled due to unsuitable conditions, etc.

What are the possible directions of delivery?

We are located in Kaunas, Lithuania, with a delivery radius of ~200 km. Our most frequent destination for delivery of wedding desserts on demand You can find out in this page.

Will you deliver at my requested time?

We always try to take your wishes into account. However, during the day we make deliveries to different destinations, often far away, and we plan our route accordingly. For this reason, we cannot promise a delivery at a specific time that you want. Earliest delivery times by address You can find out in this page.



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